General Info


Pet Policy:    In consideration of the people attending the Wayne County Fair, the fair board has enacted the following pet policy:  Trained service animals, as currently defined under the ADA, are allowed on the fair grounds. (Comfort, therapy, and emotional support animals, as well as pets, ARE NOT PERMITTED on the grounds).   Service animals must be under the owner’s control at all times, and remain on a leash, be in a harness, or be able to follow voice, signal, or other effective control commands given by the owner. 

ONE EXCEPTION – Only animals entered in the 4-H and/or FFA pet and dog shows will be allowed the day of the show in the area surrounding the show ring. 

Please do not leave your pet unattended in your vehicle while you are attending the fair.  Thank you for your understanding and working with everyone on this policy.

Golf Cart Policy: General Public bringing a golf cart, ATV, or UTV onto the fairgrounds must be registered and obtain a permit at the fair office. There will be a map showing a restricted route for the carts. All golf cart, ATV and UTV drivers must have a valid drivers' license. 

Admission- Updated for 2025

1. Children entering 4th grade and younger are free.

2. Admission Prices

        Starting at 7:30 am $10.00/person

        Starting at 5:00 pm $15.00/person


Corydon State Bank

First Interstate Bank - Corydon

Peoples Bank - Seymour

3. No free admissions to anyone except judges during gate hours.

4. No charge for parking.

Fairground Facility Rental Costs:

1.  Main arena - $500/no lights  $1000 with 4 hours lights

2.  Small Arena - $250

3.  Show Ring - $200

4.  Foodstand - $100

5.  Livestock Barns $100 each $500 deposit/barn

6.  Center stage - $100


President- Dan May

1st VP- Vacant

Treasurer- Lisa Moore

Secretary- LeRoy Perkins

Past President- Lance Lange

Assistant Secretary- Heather Moorman

Entertainment Coordinator - Vacant

Sponsorship Coordinator - Gina Thompson

Main Arena Coordinator- Chad Lukavsky

The Wayne County Fair Board meetings are open to the public. Visitors are always welcome and encouraged to attend. The board meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Wayne County Fair Event Center. Please note: these dates are subject to change.